V-Ray my way : a practical designer's guide to creating realistic imagery using V-Ray & 3DS Max /

Wylde, Lee

V-Ray my way : a practical designer's guide to creating realistic imagery using V-Ray & 3DS Max / Lee Wylde. - 210 páginas : ilustraciones (principalmente a color) ; 19 x 24 cm

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"The essential how-to book that belongs in every designer's collection V-Ray My Way: A Practical Designers Guide to Creating Realistic Imagery Using V-Ray & 3ds Max is a practical, hands-on guide to creating some of the most stunning computer-generated images possible. It caters to the design masses; architects, engineers, interior designers, industrial designers, photographers, and enthusiasts will find this book essential in their quest to express themselves through visual communication. V-Ray My Way is an accumulation of 13 years of experimental experience and will have you creating content within minutes, help grow your company, help develop your portfolio, and help you make that career leap"--

9780415709637 (rústica) 9781315885445 (ebk)

3ds max (Computer file)

3ds max (Archivo para computadora)
Técnicas de representación arquitectónica--Diseño asistido por computador
Architectural rendering--Computer-aided design

NA 2728 / W95 2014