The anger workbook for teens : activities to help you deal with anger and frustration /

Lohmann, Raychelle Cassada

The anger workbook for teens : activities to help you deal with anger and frustration / Raychelle Cassada Lohmann. - Oakland, CA Instant Help Books/New Harbinger Publications c2009 - vi, 129 páginas ilustraciones 26 cm.

"An instant help book for teens"

9781572246997 (rústica) 1572246995 (rústica) 9781572248205 (pdf ebook) 1572248203 (pdf ebook)

Ira en la adolescencia
Ira en la adolescencia ---Problemas, ejercicios, etc.
Literatura juvenil ---Cuaderno de ejercicios
Anger in adolescence--Juvenile literature

BF 724.3 A55 / L64 2009